Analyzing on Removal of Source
Is it expected behavior for the program to endlessly indicate "Analyzing..." when I attempt to remove a source. I have my photos in folders by year and subfolders by month. I initially attempted to remove the entire archive as a source but it endlessly
peakto and lightroom metadata settings
Hello, I have a question regarding metadata between Peakto and Lightroom classic. I have added keywords to Images in Peakto. In peakto catalog settings/sync settings I have round trip XMP setting to lightroom selected. When I enter Lightroom classic,
Rating (culling) in Peakto
Hello, I really love that program only one thing that holds me back a little is that I dan not cull images in PeaktTo. I usually dont want to use LrC since I am not a fan of importing my images again when I have already a system set up on my NAS. So I
Repeating thumbnails
I have 85.000 files in my library and 26.000 of them are showing the same thumbnail. I've reached out to support 28 days ago, several reminders, and still no reply!
I have outstanding tickets of 28 days and 12 days.. Never got any reply from support. Does anyone actually work there?
Auto detect/import Capture One sessions
I use Capture One sessions for most work. How can I automatically detect and import these sessions? It's quite a bit of clicking about to import each of the sessions I have.
Display only horizontal images
Hello, I am doing a search and only want to display horizontal images. So far I am unable to do that. Any suggestions? DS
Saving faces in photo metadata
Hello, The new face recognition feature looks interesting. Once I tag the faces in my photos, how can I save it to the IPTC (extended) metadata? I want to embed the names in the standard fields like Person Shown in Image. Or at the very least, I would
Impossible to select "RAW image" in the filter
In the filter, we can choose "JPEG image" as file type: However, when we want to display only RAW images, we don't have a generic "RAW image filter", instead we are presented with the choice of specific RAW formats based on manufacturer: This doesn't
Plugin is not installed in Lightroom.
Hello everyone, I bought Peakto and Peakto-Search. After installing Peakto-Search, a window opens saying ‘An error occurred while installing the plugin in Lightroom’. There is also no entry in the module directory. This makes it impossible to open the
Peakto: How to add Instagram as source?
This is a link that states we can add Instagram as a source of images: Peakto, the smart photo manager, now compatible with Instagram This is a detailed video stating that in v1.4 you can add Instagram as a source: YouTube: New compatibility
Moving images in Folder Structure
A recent announcement says that we can move files using the folder panel. But I'm not seeing how that's supposed to work, Do we use Finder to move the files and it automatically updates what we do, or can we drag an image in the Peakto window into the
Rotate Previews / Thumbnails
I have started to import my old Media Pro photos from the early digital camera ages and also slide scans. Unfortunately not all are rotated correctly, maybe because Peakto ignored this information from the Media Pro catalog, or it wasn't stored / recorded
Peakto Face Analysis Untagged Correction Hangs
I've submitted a bug ticket a week ago, and continue to be unable to retag untagged face clusters using the face analysis menu. What is happening is after Peakto "completes" face analysis on source catalog import, many otherwise detected faces remain
Moving RAW files to a new hard disk
Hi, The external hard disk storing all my photos is acting strangely, so I copied them over to a new drive. The whole file system had been ingested into Peakto as Watched Folders. I know I can delete the old watched folders and re-ingest everything, but
What is the max number of images and videos for Peakto LR search?
I have quite a few images and videos in my LR catalog. Does anyone know what the limit is? Please see the screenshot. Thanks, DS
Capture One Previews - Session Output
I understand that previews are an issue with Capture One. I saw some posts that there was some collaborative work going on with Capture One, the company, to solve this issue. That seemed to be a year ago but as of now, with Peakto 1.9.5, the issue is
Peakto, Aperture and Smart Albums
Aperture has Smart Albums. It seems Peakto has Smart Albums. But it looks like Peakto does not import Aperture Smart Albums. Wouldn't it be nice if Peakto recognized Aperture Smart Albums?
Multiple Peakto libraries
Can I have multiple Peakto libraries, like I can in ten-year-old software Apple Aperture?
Peakto: How to filter on Offline photos
Helo, I would like to find out which of my photos are Offline, is there a filter for the "Online Status" as can be seen in the Master Information of the metadata of a specific image? Thanks, Francis. Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir lesquelles de mes photos
Peakto New Feature Request: Please add Adjusted badge to Grid View Options
In Apple Aperture grid view, we can see a badge that indicates an image was adjusted. This is very helpful when viewing images in a project. You have recently added a filter for Adjusted Media in Peakto, I would like to see the badge indicating this on
Peakto Grid View isn't really a grid
Hello, I feel the Peakto Grid view isn't really a grid - it's more of a flow of images continuing from one line to another. I would prefer to see a grid, like many programs provide, including the macOS Finder - the space reserved for an image is square
Set as Poster Image for Videos
Like Key Image from Faces, I would like to make a Key Image from a frame in a video. Maybe just select one image from the Contact Sheet. In times of social media and videos for stories only in vertical orientation, it would be good to rotate also these
Why does Peakto not display previews correctly from On1?
I am having concerns that my current combination of using On1 with Peakto is not a good combination. Does anyone else here have the same problems of not displaying the previews correctly? The rotated ones drop sideways the moment Peakto enlarges them.
annotating face clusters
When annotating face clusters, is it possible to select multiple clusters at a time to mark "ignore"? I'm aware of the "ignore all" possibility, but was hoping that I could select 10-20 clusters at a time. I'm new to Peakto, and am going through thousands
DAM functionality on roadmap
Hi! I believe DAM functionality is on the roadmap. Was wondering what is planned for keywords. Currently adding keywords manually is tedious. - Will we be able to setup hierarchies as well? - Will we be able to export including keywords added in Peakto
Is there any way to indicate that images are variants of the same photo?
Is there any way to indicate in Peakto that images are variants of the same photo? /Thomas
Face key photo
Is there a way in Peakto to specify the "key" photo for a given person? When I browse by Faces, I'd like to be able to specify which particular photo should represent a person. Is that possible?
I own Peakto Search -- How do I get 20% off Peakto
Hi -- I tried Peakto Search and I was blown away by its capabilities and my Lightroom Catalogs. I am now looking at the full Peakto package and love it. I am planning on buying the lifetime license, but I don't know how to get the 20% discount off the
Ajout d'une recherche d'Images sur la Base du genre Image Inversé de Google ou Spotlight pour photo.
Bonjour à toute l'équipe, Un de mes problèmes que je ne suis pas arrivé à solutionner sur aucune des Applications disponibles, est “une recherche d'image (photo)" sur mes 200 000 photos, similaire à celle qu'on trouve sur Google lorsqu'on cherche une
Delete Multiple Versions
Hello Folks. Over many years and back up after back up I have over 200,000 jpg photos and when I ingest them into Peakto I know have multiple versions of the same photo all with different names and even checksums. Is there any way I can move multiple
Interoperability Peakto -> Lightroom Classic
Hi I'm currently testing Peakto. I've added a lightroom catalog with 80.000+ images and all is well. One thing i would like to do is to create collections in peakto and that collections to show up on lightroom. Is it possible? I currently dont use XMP
Orientation bug and impact on visage recognition
In catalogues imported from Capture one catalog (v21), some photos in portrait mode are improperly shown in landscape mode in the grid presentation. When switching to Detail mode, they are redressed vertically, but the visage recognition fails to adapt
Porting Geolocalization of pics and videos
I'm glad I could use Peakto 2.0 to finally aggregate my videos and my pics. Geolocalizing is really appreciated, as you can retrieve photos from one single session by proximity to the place shot, or compare evolutions in time. However I came on two bugs,
How do I star rate and color tag my photos using keyboard
Any one know what keyboard shortcuts are for the peakto app? I am trying to find a way to star rate and color rate my photos. Number Key 1-5 would be to Star rate photo Number Key 6-0 would be color tags (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple) These keys don't
How to move photos in Peakto 2.0
I want to organize my photos. I would like to select a group of photos, create a new folder and move the photos to that folder. I can't seem to figure out how to do that in Peakto 2.0. I would like to do all this within peakto app. Is there a way to do
how can I search Person1 AND Person2
I am still fairly new to Peakto. I am appreciating it a lot, as it really solves a handful of problems and seems very intelligent. In light of this, I am a little surprised it´s so hard to find out – as a rather experienced software / DB user – how to
Tagging in Peakto -> LR and Apple Photos
Q: If I add the following metadata to an image in Peakto, will it be recognized in LR and Apple Photos for the following metadata types: * Title of image * Caption * Keywords * Faces Note: Others users may desire more than these options, but these are
How to download Peakto 2.0 ?
I have a running subscription for Peakto. When i click search for update in Peakto 1.x it doesn't find any update. On the webpage i cant find anything to download without starting a new trial. With the download link you once provided i only get the latest
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