Some first impressions with peakto
Dear Developers, I just got to know peakto from some photo page on the web, downloaded it (version 1.0.5) and tried it for my (non-professional but enthusiastic) work. I use an Olympus camera, shoot raw files, process them with DXO and manage them in
Shortcuts (editable)
I would be useful to have editable shortcuts for various functions in Peakto. Is this something you plan to introduce? Best regards, Thomas
Image Filename Position
Hi, Just an idea on Image Filename Position
Image shadow on outside of image
I like the faint, mirrored image on the outside of the image, if you know what I mean, but on images like .pxd where background is cut out, this is shown around the main subject, on the inside of the image. Looks good but I find it distracting to what
Color Tag Smart Album
Hi, I am still having problems with Color Tag Smart Albums. I have only one (1) image that is Color Tagged. The image should explain better. Star Ratings works fine.
Peakto v1.5.1 is out....please read
hello We just released v1.5.1 with important fixes. We discovered a rather complex and unexpected issue with the app autoupdate mechanism that is currently broken due to the sandboxing (security model) of macOS. As a result, Peakto will offer you to download
Capture One images
Hi, I have updated to 1.5, and re-ingested my Capture One catalog. Now, as I scroll through the images, it takes a long time to render each image (between 3-4 seconds).
Color Tags: difficult to distinguish Pink and Red
It's difficult to tell the difference between the Pink and Red colour tags. If you see them side by side, you may be able to see which is which, but the Pink tag on its own looks more or less red. Perhaps if the Pink tag was a little lighter it would
Peakto as a substitute for some other DAM (feature request)
Hello Matthieu and team! What is this about? Make Peakto the place of truth and overcome third party catalogues/libraries by replacing them with a full blown native Peakto catalogue. As a user of some other DAM system I want to migrate completely to Peakto,
Option to hide Property Panel sections you don't use
Would it be possible to add an option to hide Property Panel sections you don't use (e.g. Instagram)?
Option to exclude subfolders from a watched folder
It would be useful to have an option to exclude subfolders from specific watched folders.
Smart albums – file name patterns
Is it possible to use file name patterns as conditions for smart albums? For instance if I want to include or exclude files that contain a specific string of letters. Thomas
Peakto demo/trial version
Is there a demo/trial version of Peakto anywhere, or do you have to purchase a license/subscription and then request a refund in order just to try it?
macOS colour tags
Is there any way you can get Peakto to pick up macOS colour tags on image files? Thomas
Panorama view: Black & White
In Panorama view you can sort images by colour, but as far as I can see there's option for black & white images. This would be useful.
Synchronize metadata for specific images
It would be useful if there was an option to synchronize metadata for specific (selected) images.
Updating Peakto after making changes in Lightroom
Hello, Trying to find the best way to update Peakto with Lightroom catalog when changes to ratings, keywords etc have been made. Where can I find the answer to the difference between Smart Re-ingest Synchronize now Custom Sync Compute Missing AI scores
Seems like the left panel gets stuck on opening . Eventually it comes good. But not always. Anyone else experience this? I have uploaded a screen shot and computer details
Would a more transparent (less opaque) overlay that blends in with the thumbnail look better, without being impractical?
Smart Albums
Hi Matthieu, Happy New Year to you/and staff, and community. We touched on this recently with Smart Albums. Color Tags and Star ratings, where "exists" or "does not exist" still seems to be the opposite meaning.
Photo Summary
Would a summary of an image be handy to anyone? (As shown in attached image). This is similar to Capture One.
Workaround for synchronizing metadata?
Is there any workaround for synchronizing the metadata/colour tags of a Capture One catalogue, or is the only option to delete the Peakto database and import the catalogue again? Best regards, Thomas
Technical Score and technical flaws
One thing I'm curious about regarding the technical score is that it often appears not to reflect flaws such as underexposure or camera shake. Two examples. This photo has a technical score of 1.04: This one has a score of 0.57: What parameters is the
Recalculate AI scores?
Is there any way to recalculate AI scores? If the initial scores are calculated on the basis of thumbnails, and thumbnails change when images are edited, presumably these initial calculations are no longer valid for the updated thumbnails.
Peakto Ingestion Time...
Please help set my expectations! My Adobe Lightroom Classic library contains over 300,000 images. How much time should I expect Peakto to take for the ingestion process of a library of this size? Minutes? Hours? Half a day? Many days? Months? All technology
When pasting a search term into the search field, the text in question is pasted twice
I just noticed that when you paste a search term into the search field, the term in question is pasted twice. E.g. if you copy the word "Word" and paste it into the search field, you get "WordWord".
Problem with star rating of jpeg vs raw
I may have stumbled upon a small bug, or is it? In a Capture One database, I have two photos with the same name, one a raw file (with its xmp file), one a jpeg export of the same file. When I have ingested the C1 database into Peakto, both the raw and
How to deselect?
If you've selected all images, how do you deselect/clear the selection?
Search funciton – limitations
It would be useful if the search function had a filtering option that would show all occurrences of a search term no matter where (file name, metadata, etc.) and including images/thumbnails. As it is, it seems that you have to pick a result from the list
Keywords in Capture One catalogue jumbled up
After importing a Capture One catalogue (having deleted my old Peakto database), some photos have been assigned incorrect keywords in Peakto (Peakto 1.3.0d).
If you experience missing images when ingesting (especially when dealing with folders), PLEASE READ
We identified a possible issue with a feature that was recently introduced and let you ignore images that are too small. In some situations (not clear what these are), images are wrongly ignored, despite the fact that their dimensions exceed the threshold.
"Edit with Capture One" – Capture One becomes unresponsive
Capture One still becomes unresponsive when I use the "Edit with Capture One" option (Peakto 1.3.0d). I'm not sure if the issue is with Peakto or Capture One.
Option to increase height of Keyword section?
Is there any way to increase height of Keyword section so that more than two lines of keywords are visible?
No image updates after November 11 2022
Hi. Peakto seems to have stopped synchronizing my LR catalog after November 11. I have tried re-ingest, synchronizing and even re-import the catalog, but with no success at all. Any suggestions what to do?
Peakto v1.3 is out ?
hello all! We are happy to announce the latest release of Peakto: v1.3. We put a lot of work and ❤️ into making this a great release from many points of view It is available from inside the app, using the Peakto > Check for Updates... menu In this release
Are technical scores based on thumbnails for images in Capture One catalogues?
Just out of curiosity, are technical scores for images in Capture One catalogues based on thumbnails?
Support for Canon .CR3 files
Hi, Do you support Canon .CR3 files? Thanks, Bill
Find Out More – dead links
The Find Out More buttons for Image Analysis and Color Harmonies are linked to non-existent pages:
Does Peakto write its meta data / categorization to each photos meta data?
Hi, The application finds and tags photos automatically with things it finds. This information is then searchable. Does the new meta data exist in Peakto's database and/or it is written to the original photos meta data? Which would then allow me to
1.1.0 – issues with thumbnails and image files
I just downloaded the trial and noticed a few things that seem not to work the way they should, or at least not the way I assume they should. When I select "Compute [x] thumbnails", nothing happens (all image files are accessible). This goes for the contextual
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