Avalanche Demo (V1.7.9) does not seem to support Mojave
I was just downloading the software for a trial but it seems like you have removed support for Mojave (I am running 10.14.6). I did try both avalanche for lightroom and avalance unlimited but both had same issue.
Reading your webpage it still says you support Mojave , and your release notes page stops at version 1.7.6.
Do you have a version downloadable I could use on Mojave - or are there compelling reasons/features to use a newer version on Catalina ? I could upgrade I guess but I like the fact I can open Aperture to check things easily withou having to install hacks to get it to work.
Lightroom Classic v10 would be the target (which seems to be highest version I can use). Note: if there are also better reasons to upgrade and do the migration to a more up to date version of Lightroom please let me know