Porting Geolocalization of pics and videos

Porting Geolocalization of pics and videos

I'm glad I could use Peakto 2.0 to finally aggregate my videos and my pics. Geolocalizing is really appreciated, as you can retrieve photos from one single session by proximity to the place shot, or compare evolutions in time. However I came on two bugs, that are not really Peakto responsibility, but still I share them here as they impacted the final Peakto catalog. 
My videos & pics have been migrating from iPhotos to Aperture to Capture One to Peakto.
When they were not natively geotagged I used Apple features to position them on a map. The info circulated in the softwares' internal database, but not in the file. 

1/ First bug is linked to Capture One importing the info : sometimes when the gps coordinates was ending with 0, the data were not properly imported in Capture One (at least in v21) . For example longitude 02,33000° was registered as  2,19,48 with two commas, a faulty format. As a consequence import in Peakto would fail. Solution is to slightly modify 02,33000° to 02,33001° (a roughly 1 meter difference, inferior to the precision of the gps device ) and to reload metadata in Capture One, which properly registers as  02,19.806 which means 02° 19.806' or 2° 19' 48,036" E, and then resynchronise in Peakto. Pb solved. I used Houdah Geo, a software I use to geotag my pic.
EDIT: WARNING :  touching the original file seems to trigger Aperture to rebuild the thumbnail of the video. I use a modified version of Aperture by Retroactive that allow it to use on some recent MacOs. But as there is no more support of old Quicktime routines I believe, the rebuilding of the thumbnail fails. As a consequence the thumbnail becomes invisible in your legacy Aperture library. This does not affect the migrated Capture One or Peakto libraries, but I though you should know.        

2/ Second bug was videos not having GPS in Peakto. It appeared that they failed to register in the video in the first place. The solution was to natively integrate the real coordinates in the actual file, using exiftool, an open source solution then resync Peakto. This worked for .mov files except for one who had a fragmented format, I had to defragment it first using another program, ffmpeg.  I still have ~60 videos in .avi format which can't  be processed by exiftool, and I am contemplating to migrate them to .mov, which would have the advantage of solving the gps issue and also allow for Peakto analysis, but at the expense of duplicating the originals or breaking the legacy databases