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    • Recent Topics

    • Peakto Face Analysis Untagged Correction Hangs

      I've submitted a bug ticket a week ago, and continue to be unable to retag untagged face clusters using the face analysis menu. What is happening is after Peakto "completes" face analysis on source catalog import, many otherwise detected faces remain
    • I own Peakto Search -- How do I get 20% off Peakto

      Hi -- I tried Peakto Search and I was blown away by its capabilities and my Lightroom Catalogs. I am now looking at the full Peakto package and love it. I am planning on buying the lifetime license, but I don't know how to get the 20% discount off the
    • Can PeakTo albums be "pushed" to C1 and/or Apple Photos?

      Ideally, I would like to be able to create albums that span C1 catalogs, as well as C1 and Apple Photos, that can be shared, without creating new masters for all photos in the album. I think what I'm looking for is a Avalanche for PeakTo albums to convert
    • Plugin is not installed in Lightroom.

      Hello everyone, I bought Peakto and Peakto-Search. After installing Peakto-Search, a window opens saying ‘An error occurred while installing the plugin in Lightroom’. There is also no entry in the module directory. This makes it impossible to open the
    • Ajout d'une recherche d'Images sur la Base du genre Image Inversé de Google ou Spotlight pour photo.

      Bonjour à toute l'équipe, Un de mes problèmes que je ne suis pas arrivé à solutionner sur aucune des Applications disponibles, est “une recherche d'image (photo)" sur mes 200 000 photos, similaire à celle qu'on trouve sur Google lorsqu'on cherche une
    • Delete Multiple Versions

      Hello Folks. Over many years and back up after back up I have over 200,000 jpg photos and when I ingest them into Peakto I know have multiple versions of the same photo all with different names and even checksums. Is there any way I can move multiple
    • Interoperability Peakto -> Lightroom Classic

      Hi I'm currently testing Peakto. I've added a lightroom catalog with 80.000+ images and all is well. One thing i would like to do is to create collections in peakto and that collections to show up on lightroom. Is it possible? I currently dont use XMP
    • Orientation bug and impact on visage recognition

      In catalogues imported from Capture one catalog (v21), some photos in portrait mode are improperly shown in landscape mode in the grid presentation. When switching to Detail mode, they are redressed vertically, but the visage recognition fails to adapt
    • Porting Geolocalization of pics and videos

      I'm glad I could use Peakto 2.0 to finally aggregate my videos and my pics. Geolocalizing is really appreciated, as you can retrieve photos from one single session by proximity to the place shot, or compare evolutions in time. However I came on two bugs,
    • How do I star rate and color tag my photos using keyboard

      Any one know what keyboard shortcuts are for the peakto app? I am trying to find a way to star rate and color rate my photos. Number Key 1-5 would be to Star rate photo Number Key 6-0 would be color tags (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple) These keys don't
    • Avalanche not importing CR3 files from Aperture

      I am migrating from Aperture to Capture One. During an import session, none of my CR3 files were imported from the Aperture library. The CR3 files are from a Canon EOS M50 camera. Avalanche: Version 1.4.6b (Build 1538) MacBook Pro 16-inch 2021 Apple M1
    • How to move photos in Peakto 2.0

      I want to organize my photos. I would like to select a group of photos, create a new folder and move the photos to that folder. I can't seem to figure out how to do that in Peakto 2.0. I would like to do all this within peakto app. Is there a way to do
    • how can I search Person1 AND Person2

      I am still fairly new to Peakto. I am appreciating it a lot, as it really solves a handful of problems and seems very intelligent. In light of this, I am a little surprised it´s so hard to find out – as a rather experienced software / DB user – how to
    • Tagging in Peakto -> LR and Apple Photos

      Q: If I add the following metadata to an image in Peakto, will it be recognized in LR and Apple Photos for the following metadata types: * Title of image * Caption * Keywords * Faces Note: Others users may desire more than these options, but these are
    • How to clear the keyword database?

      Hello, After making a mess of my Keywords after ingesting my photo's. I'm now stuck with thousends of keywords that make no sense on the photo's. As a last effort to start over, i have deleted all my keywords via lightroom and saved all the metadata to
    • How to download Peakto 2.0 ?

      I have a running subscription for Peakto. When i click search for update in Peakto 1.x it doesn't find any update. On the webpage i cant find anything to download without starting a new trial. With the download link you once provided i only get the latest
    • Peakto Face Clustering barely works

      I can't imagine that I am doing something wrong but Face Clustering barely works at all. I have 100's of photos of the same people yet it only shows a very small amount. I have manually re-run the AI analysis a few times, rebooted, etc. and there is no
    • Conversational search

      Yesterday I was searching Peakto for images from Fukuyama, the Japanese city, and I noticed that when choosing "Conversational search", I got 383 results, all of them, except for one, unrelated to the city (and I don't have any photos of Francis Fukuyama).
    • Photo Summary

      Hello, I still think the photo summary on the bottom right column is in a bad spot. It blocks vital information for no reason, where lots of scrolling needs to be done. I, personally, would rather have an option to move this to the top left side, so I
    • Peakto vs Mylio

      I am wondering what Peakto offers that Mylio doesn't - the free version of Mylio seems to do a lot. Just wondering if anyone in the Peakto community has any advice. Thanks.
    • How to filter by focal length?

      I am struggling with filtering images by focal length. The closest I can find is to manually find one image that has the desired focal length and look for similar images. That seems quite a roundabout method. Ideally I would want to search for a range
    • Memories - X years ago today

      I would like to create the following filter: - current day/month - +/- 2-3 days - all years in the past for the period The filter should therefore be dynamic, always depending on the current day. I would like to bring old pictures back to memory or be
    • Peakto Face Analysis keeps "sticking" after 1-2 hours on a large Lightroom catalogue

      I upgraded to Peakto 2.0.1 today (from 1.12). I decided to (re)run a deep analysis of my Lightroom catalogue to make sure all was up-to-date. Then my problems started when Peakto got to its "AI" analysis... (info: running on an M1 Max MacBook Pro with
    • Peakto seems to be leaking disk memory

      Hello, I’m testing Peakto at the moment. I noticed the following beahvior. When I add sources like folders and the photo library the Peakto Root Folder grows. Especially the Thumbnails folder. Around 3 GB in my test case. This is expected. When I remove
    • DAM functionality on roadmap

      Hi! I believe DAM functionality is on the roadmap. Was wondering what is planned for keywords. Currently adding keywords manually is tedious. - Will we be able to setup hierarchies as well? - Will we be able to export including keywords added in Peakto
    • Does Peakto 2.0 read Capture One keywords and if so, can I search through my photos for them?

      As the topic title says, does Peakto 2.0 read Capture One keywords and if so, can I search through my photos for them? If so, where can I find that search function? If it doesn't, its seems like a great feature to have. I have Peakto Search for C1, is
    • When will Avalanche for Apple Photos support importing from Capture One?

      Sorry this is in the "Avalanche for Lightroom" sub-category; there's no sub-category for Avalanche for Apple Photos. The latest version of Avalanche for Apple Photos (February 2024) doesn't support importing from Capture One. Is there an ETA for when
    • Apple Photos in Peakto: "No images to show"

      Hello, I just started using Peakto. I attached an Aperture library, of moderate size, it appeared to work well. I also attached 2 Apple Photos libraries, one with 381 photos, this one worked equally well. The other one, which has 7330 images or so, does
    • missing images when ingesting folders

      i tried ingesting a folder with many images and some subfolders . After it was done i noticed that in some subfolders many images are missing. I tried rerunning a fast and a deep sync. Now even more images are missing. The images are located on a NAS.
    • I upgraded a drive and the old one now has a red dot. Can I remove it?

      So I updated a drive with a larger SSD. Same drive name. Now I want to make sure Peakto can see it and process images. The old drive seems to also be present with a red dot (is that mean offline?) I tried to move it to the Trash CMD-Del, but it remains
    • BUG (Minor, non-blocking): "Loading..." Continuously displays on a Category -> View All Action

      Selecting a large category and selecting "View All" more often than not results in the "Loading..." progress to be displayed forever (for over 24 hours) But UI is not locked out, so if I switch then switchback to the Photo Grid it is gone. MBP M3 Max
    • "Peakto has detected that the Al analysis is incomplete" is constantly displayed (both v1 and v2 beta)

      After running either a fast sync or a deep sync to gather my Lightroom catalogue changes, I always get a popup at the bottom of the Peakto screen saying: "Peakto has detected that the Al analysis is incomplete or outdated. Click on 'Update Al analysis'
    • Capture One, write Face name as keyword

      Hi, any way to add the named faces as a keyword ? Like that Capture can retrive the information. I use keyword in capture on to tag people. If it is possible i will can automaticaly with Peakto AI people et have the information in capture one catalog.
    • Sync between 2 Macs

      Howdy- Looking at using Peakto with Mac Studio and MacBook Air, mainly for use with Lightroom (catalog and images on external drive which I move between Macs), and iPhotos. Is anyone keeping that root folder in Dropbox to keep everything in sync between
    • What are the keyboard shortcuts you mention?

      I read this on your website. However, I can not find anywhere that provides me with a list of keyboard shortcuts for stars, favorites, flags. When I'm in grid view, I can right click over an image but it is greyed out. What does that mean? "With the grid
    • Map view

      When you select a photo and then switch to Map view, the map is zoomed out, and all photos taken in the area are shown with – as far as I can tell – nothing to indicate which one is selected. It would be useful if instead the map was zoomed in on the
    • Searching Keywords/Tags in Capture One catalogue

      i'm a bit lost with the search in Peakto when i search in capture One catalogue for a certain keyword that i've setup .. it does find the keyword. Like in the screengrab i attached. But then when i click on that keyword it literally doesn't do anything.
    • What governs inclusion in an instant?

      I am experimenting with Peakto, thinking about how it would best fit into my workflow. I would like to understand more about how Peakto identifies images that belong to a single instant, because it seems to be inconsistent to me. I am only using folder
    • Saving photos edited in other apps

      If I select a photo I want to edit and then round trip to Apple Photos/Neo/ Pixelmator Pro how do I save the edited photo in each app so it appears in Peakto?
    • Multiple Peakto libraries

      Can I have multiple Peakto libraries, like I can in ten-year-old software Apple Aperture?
    • Popular Articles

    • Preview quality in Peakto for CaptureOne catalogs

      If you are a CaptureOne user and have added some C1 catalogs to Peakto you have probably noticed that the quality of the previews is lower than for other catalogs. Peakto uses the previews computed by the cataloging apps to generate its own previews ...
    • Does Avalanche support Referenced and Managed files ?

      This is a question we received a lot: does Avalanche properly handle referenced and managed files from your library ? Or we get asked this variant: "do I need to transform my managed images into referenced images, or the opposite, to work with ...
    • Understanding the output options (from version 1.0.5)

      This article describes the conversion options that are available to you in Avalanche for Lightroom from version 1.0.5. The conversion options are available at the bottom of the conversion window, once you have selected a destination and look like ...
    • Keywords in the Peakto inspector

      The image inspector in Peakto has a section dedicated to Keywords. Keywords displayed here are the keywords that are retrieved from the underlying file. In the case of catalogs such as Lightroom or Capture One, these are the keywords that have been ...
    • 2.5 Search through all your photos and videos

      Using artificial intelligence, Peakto revolutionizes how you manage and interact with your digital photos and videos. Offering a centralized search that allows you to easily and quickly browse through all of your photos and videos, regardless of ...
    • Most Discussed Topics

    • Peakto Face Analysis Untagged Correction Hangs

      I've submitted a bug ticket a week ago, and continue to be unable to retag untagged face clusters using the face analysis menu. What is happening is after Peakto "completes" face analysis on source catalog import, many otherwise detected faces remain
    • Can PeakTo albums be "pushed" to C1 and/or Apple Photos?

      Ideally, I would like to be able to create albums that span C1 catalogs, as well as C1 and Apple Photos, that can be shared, without creating new masters for all photos in the album. I think what I'm looking for is a Avalanche for PeakTo albums to convert
    • I own Peakto Search -- How do I get 20% off Peakto

      Hi -- I tried Peakto Search and I was blown away by its capabilities and my Lightroom Catalogs. I am now looking at the full Peakto package and love it. I am planning on buying the lifetime license, but I don't know how to get the 20% discount off the