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    • Recent Topics

    • How to download Peakto 2 ?

      I have a running subscription for Peakto. When i click search for update in Peakto 1.x it doesn't find any update. On the webpage i cant find anything to download without starting a new trial. With the download link you once provided i only get the latest
    • how can I search Person1 AND Person2

      I am still fairly new to Peakto. I am appreciating it a lot, as it really solves a handful of problems and seems very intelligent. In light of this, I am a little surprised it´s so hard to find out – as a rather experienced software / DB user – how to
    • Peakto vs Mylio

      I am wondering what Peakto offers that Mylio doesn't - the free version of Mylio seems to do a lot. Just wondering if anyone in the Peakto community has any advice. Thanks.
    • I upgraded a drive and the old one now has a red dot. Can I remove it?

      So I updated a drive with a larger SSD. Same drive name. Now I want to make sure Peakto can see it and process images. The old drive seems to also be present with a red dot (is that mean offline?) I tried to move it to the Trash CMD-Del, but it remains
    • BUG (Minor, non-blocking): "Loading..." Continuously displays on a Category -> View All Action

      Selecting a large category and selecting "View All" more often than not results in the "Loading..." progress to be displayed forever (for over 24 hours) But UI is not locked out, so if I switch then switchback to the Photo Grid it is gone. MBP M3 Max
    • "Peakto has detected that the Al analysis is incomplete" is constantly displayed (both v1 and v2 beta)

      After running either a fast sync or a deep sync to gather my Lightroom catalogue changes, I always get a popup at the bottom of the Peakto screen saying: "Peakto has detected that the Al analysis is incomplete or outdated. Click on 'Update Al analysis'
    • Apple Photos in Peakto: "No images to show"

      Hello, I just started using Peakto. I attached an Aperture library, of moderate size, it appeared to work well. I also attached 2 Apple Photos libraries, one with 381 photos, this one worked equally well. The other one, which has 7330 images or so, does
    • Capture One, write Face name as keyword

      Hi, any way to add the named faces as a keyword ? Like that Capture can retrive the information. I use keyword in capture on to tag people. If it is possible i will can automaticaly with Peakto AI people et have the information in capture one catalog.
    • Sync between 2 Macs

      Howdy- Looking at using Peakto with Mac Studio and MacBook Air, mainly for use with Lightroom (catalog and images on external drive which I move between Macs), and iPhotos. Is anyone keeping that root folder in Dropbox to keep everything in sync between
    • Peakto Face Analysis keeps "sticking" after 1-2 hours on a large Lightroom catalogue

      I upgraded to Peakto 2.0.1 today (from 1.12). I decided to (re)run a deep analysis of my Lightroom catalogue to make sure all was up-to-date. Then my problems started when Peakto got to its "AI" analysis... (info: running on an M1 Max MacBook Pro with
    • What are the keyboard shortcuts you mention?

      I read this on your website. However, I can not find anywhere that provides me with a list of keyboard shortcuts for stars, favorites, flags. When I'm in grid view, I can right click over an image but it is greyed out. What does that mean? "With the grid
    • missing images when ingesting folders

      i tried ingesting a folder with many images and some subfolders . After it was done i noticed that in some subfolders many images are missing. I tried rerunning a fast and a deep sync. Now even more images are missing. The images are located on a NAS.
    • Map view

      When you select a photo and then switch to Map view, the map is zoomed out, and all photos taken in the area are shown with – as far as I can tell – nothing to indicate which one is selected. It would be useful if instead the map was zoomed in on the
    • Searching Keywords/Tags in Capture One catalogue

      i'm a bit lost with the search in Peakto when i search in capture One catalogue for a certain keyword that i've setup .. it does find the keyword. Like in the screengrab i attached. But then when i click on that keyword it literally doesn't do anything.
    • What governs inclusion in an instant?

      I am experimenting with Peakto, thinking about how it would best fit into my workflow. I would like to understand more about how Peakto identifies images that belong to a single instant, because it seems to be inconsistent to me. I am only using folder
    • Saving photos edited in other apps

      If I select a photo I want to edit and then round trip to Apple Photos/Neo/ Pixelmator Pro how do I save the edited photo in each app so it appears in Peakto?
    • Multiple Peakto libraries

      Can I have multiple Peakto libraries, like I can in ten-year-old software Apple Aperture?
    • Open location on map externally (Apple Maps, Google Maps, etc.)

      I forget, is it possible to open the location of an image on an external map, e.g. Apple Maps, Google Maps? I looked for a way of doing this, but didn't find one.
    • Notes on C1 Integration and Previews

      This is not a request for support, just a report on Peakto behavior. I hope it is useful to someone. Capture One Session Previews Not Appearing in Peakto Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1 (Latest Version) 2018 MacBook Pro Processor: 2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9 Graphics:
    • Photo Summary

      Hello, I still think the photo summary on the bottom right column is in a bad spot. It blocks vital information for no reason, where lots of scrolling needs to be done. I, personally, would rather have an option to move this to the top left side, so I
    • When you view a photo in a watched folder the yellow sync icon appears in Peakto

      When you view a photo in a watched folder (e.g. using macOS's quick look function or otherwise open the photo without changing it or saving it again) the yellow sync icon appears in Peakto as if something has been changed. Why is this?
    • How can I add metadata in Peakto that gets synced to Apple Photos?

      Hi, I'm trying to use Peakto to help organise my Apple Photos library. Most useful are the various advanced smart filters and image similarity searches in Peakto, which helps me find images I want to delete or organise differently. Ideally I would want
    • Do I want to export a Sidecar XMP with my Aperture to Lightroom migration?

      I have not been able to find documentation about this on the site. Do I want to export a Sidecar XMP with my export? And if so why? Or is it not needed?
    • Anyone Using Avalanche > Apple photos yet?

      Looks like Avalanche can now convert my Lightroom > Apple Photos, however it says beta right now. Is anyone using it, what are the limitations?
    • Auto detect/import Capture One sessions

      I use Capture One sessions for most work. How can I automatically detect and import these sessions? It's quite a bit of clicking about to import each of the sessions I have.
    • Sorting by AI Scores leads to "No images to show"

      I'm currently trying to reintegrate all my images to Peakto, and everything runs a lot more smoothly than before. One thing i discovered, that i can sort my images in every way, except for any AI scores. Those are computed, but sorting by them leads to
    • No response?

      What is going on here? I have got no response on my ticket since two weeks. The problem is there still, a lot of processor usage, and many times Peakto hangs and I have to force quit it.
    • So Far, So Good...

      I've been playing with Peakto for two days. Lots of fun! I like: - Relatively easy setup and ingestion. For the first time ever I know exactly how many pics I have on my computer (137 654). Then I saw that's not counting my Apple photos, so add another
    • What are the best photography exhibitions in your country?

      For photo enthusiasts, these shows are a great way to meet our favorite photographers, discover new content creators or technology providers. But what are the best photography exhibitions around the world? What do you expect when attending these sho
    • What happens when you change the thumbnail file format in Peakto?

      I just discovered the setting to change the thumbnail file format from .jpg to .heic Since my Peakto preview folder runs at about 250GB, this seems like a reasonable choice. Import times doesn't really matter to me, I have more than 700k images currently
    • Processing when attaching a new folder always starts at 10%

      see screenshot, happens always when attaching a new folder.
    • "Peakto Search" - is there a standalone app as well as the plugin?

      I am considering purchasing the forthcoming "Peakto Search": The promo page (see link above) says that I can search catalogs even when Lightroom Classic is not running. So my question is... will there be
    • Avalanche Usage gather images assets

      I recently purchased Avalanche, I retired recently and want to merge years of photos, scans and images. I have used several apps throughout the years, Aperture, Lightroom, Photoshop etc. But also have images which have never been cataloged. Can Avalanche
    • Q: Compute Missing AI Scores VS. Run Image AI Analysis vs Smart Re-ingest

      When I ingested my libraries, I generally decided to cancel the AI Analysis as it was taking a long time, and I was more interested in just getting my libraries in and start organizing images into some very specific albums. Some 'ingested' libraries have
    • Image(s) in search result partly hidden

      Image(s) in search results are partly hidden and you need to scroll down a little to see the top. (Obviously not a great problem, just a consistent one.) Here's an example:
    • Conversational search

      Yesterday I was searching Peakto for images from Fukuyama, the Japanese city, and I noticed that when choosing "Conversational search", I got 383 results, all of them, except for one, unrelated to the city (and I don't have any photos of Francis Fukuyama).
    • Peakto's search function

      I find it inconvenient that it isn't possible to just type a word or phrase in the search field and then press enter. It would be useful if there was a way of specifying a default setting for the search function so that you didn't have to scroll through
    • The question that developers should be asking is what features are missing from the top photo processing softwares. What is missing for you?

      To me, a workflow is all about streamlining processes and removing obstacles. While organizing remains a significant challenge, it's not merely about folder structures; it's about efficient keywording, titling, and describing images. Dealing with various
    • Export Filename based on meta-data fields

      I would like to name files based on meta-data fields (e.g. exif, iptc, ai). Please bring this feature to the export dialog, when "custom name" as naming option is selected.
    • How long did it take Peakto 1.10 to ingest your photos?

      We'd love to hear about your experiences with Peakto 1.10 and how it has performed for you. How long did it take Peakto 1.10 to ingest your photos? Please share details about the number of photos you've ingested and the specific machine you're using.
    • Popular Articles

    • Preview quality in Peakto for CaptureOne catalogs

      If you are a CaptureOne user and have added some C1 catalogs to Peakto you have probably noticed that the quality of the previews is lower than for other catalogs. Peakto uses the previews computed by the cataloging apps to generate its own previews ...
    • Does Avalanche support Referenced and Managed files ?

      This is a question we received a lot: does Avalanche properly handle referenced and managed files from your library ? Or we get asked this variant: "do I need to transform my managed images into referenced images, or the opposite, to work with ...
    • Understanding the output options (from version 1.0.5)

      This article describes the conversion options that are available to you in Avalanche for Lightroom from version 1.0.5. The conversion options are available at the bottom of the conversion window, once you have selected a destination and look like ...
    • 2.5 Search through all your photos

      1. Search through all your photos Using artificial intelligence, Peakto revolutionizes how you manage and interact with your digital photos. Offering a centralized search that allows you to easily and quickly browse through all of your photos, ...
    • AVALANCHE - Frequently Asked Question

      Q: What is the purpose of Avalanche ? Avalanche is designed to convert catalogs of photographs from one application to another. For example, if you wish to move your pictures that are currently catalogued in Apple Aperture to another app, such as ...