2.10 Annotate people with Face Recognition

2.10 Annotate people with Face Recognition

On the blog, you’ll find a detailed guide on how to make the most of Peakto’s features for quickly annotating all the people in your photos. The final section includes a step-by-step tutorial to help you annotate efficiently with Peakto.

To access the Face Annotation mode, there are two ways:
  1. Use the Face Recognition icon in the left sidebar, which will take you to the Face Annotation feature using clusters.
  2. Use the Detail view to manually annotate images one by one.
Before you begin annotating faces, note that Peakto can retrieve faces already annotated in Apple Photos and Lightroom.
When a catalog with pre-existing annotations is imported into Peakto, the app recognizes these annotations and allows you to quickly validate or re-annotate people.
Go to the Face Recognition view to see the clusters already annotated in Lightroom or Apple Photos. Peakto will prompt you to confirm the person identified in the images. Their name will appear with a question mark if you have not yet validated it.

2.10.1 Face Annotation Using Clusters

When you ingest a new photo source into Peakto, the AI analysis will automatically run and will perform face recognition on the images, identifying all the faces present. It will then group these faces into clusters of similar appearances.

⚠️ Please note that clusters containing more than five faces will be displayed on a newly created screen dedicated to face recognition, in the left sidebar.

To tag or annotate these faces, you simply need to name the clusters. By clicking on the edit button, you can see all the faces recognized within that cluster to validate them before naming the cluster. One named, all the photo in the cluster will be annotated with the name of the person automatically.

Now, the untagged cluster becomes a named cluster called James. You can still review and change its name if needed, or choose to ignore the cluster, which will remove it from the view.

In the cluster view, you choose between two icons: the first one to see a focused view on faces, the second one to see the person within the complete photo. This process makes it easy to organize and manage face annotations within Peakto, ensuring your images are well-categorized and searchable.

If you notice an error in the face recognition results—such as identifying someone incorrectly—you can easily correct it. For instance, if a person is incorrectly identified as Ana but is actually someone else, you can select that person and assign them the correct name. For example, if the correct name is Maureen, you can change it, and the photo will be moved out of the current cluster. A new cluster named Maureen will be created with the correct image.

If faces are not automatically recognized or clustered, you can go into detail view to manually annotate faces image by image.

2.10.2 Comprehensive Face Annotation: Flow and Manual Modes

In Peakto, you might miss some people or encounter situations where individuals appearing only once or twice haven't created any clusters. You can still annotate these faces by going into the Detail View and choosing between two modes for face annotation:
  1. Manual Annotation Mode: This mode shows all the faces in a picture and lets you annotate them individually.
  2. Flow Mode: This mode moves from one image to another, allowing you to annotate faces sequentially.

1. Manual Annotation Mode

  1. Select a picture with unannotated faces.
  2. Click on each face to assign a name.
  3. This method allows you to quickly annotate all faces in a single picture.

2. Flow Mode

  1. Start flow annotation to move through pictures one by one.
  2. If you encounter a face you want to ignore, such as an unknown person, hit the ignore button to skip them.
  3. For new faces, assign names as you go. For example, if you see a new person, name them and press the tab key to move to the next face.
  4. If Peakto recognizes a face similar to one already annotated, it will suggest names from a list. You can quickly select the correct name using shortcut keys.

2.10.3 Merging Clusters

If you notice that two clusters represent the same person but are named differently, you can merge them:
  1. Go to the cluster view and select the clusters you want to merge.
  2. Rename one of the clusters with the correct name.
  3. Peakto will merge the clusters, combining all images into a single, accurately named cluster.

2.10.4 Irrelevant Clusters

If a cluster is irrelevant, you can ignore it. Click on the cluster to edit it, then choose 'Ignore' at the bottom of the menu.

Smaller or unwanted clusters can be ignored in bulk using the 'Ignore All' function, found by clicking the three dots at the end of the Unnamed People section.

2.10.5 Using Filters and Viewing Annotations

1. Filter View

  1. Click on the Faces view to see all annotated faces within a specific scope.
  2. The top section displays Peakto faces, while the bottom section shows faces from the original catalog.
  3. Use filters to quickly find images of specific people. For example, if you're in a Lightroom catalog, you can see all Lightroom faces and turn their annotations into Peakto annotations.

2. Limitations

  1. Currently, Peakto does not allow you to annotate faces that are not visible (e.g., people seen from the back).
  2. This feature might change in the future, but for now, only recognized faces can be annotated.
We hope you find the new faces module in Peakto helpful for organizing and managing your images. Enjoy using Peakto for all your face recognition and annotation needs!

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