2.12 Peakto Database Backup (beta)
Peakto introduces a backup feature (beta) designed to protect your valuable media metadata, ensuring that your annotations, faces, keywords, and albums are safe, even in the event of unforeseen issues.
Peakto now offers a reliable backup mechanism for all your metadata, similar to the safeguards found in professional photo software. This ensures that, in case of database corruption, you have a recent backup to restore your data.
Items Included in Backup:
- Annotations
- Faces
- Keywords
- Simple and Smart Albums
Automatic Backups
Every 15 Days: To ensure your data is consistently protected, Peakto automatically prompts you to back up your metadata every 15 days. While you’ll receive a reminder, you’re not required to perform the backup immediately, though it’s highly recommended.
Manual Backups
If you prefer to initiate backups manually, you can do so easily through the "Peakto > backup Now" option in the menu. This gives you full control over when and how often your data is backed up.
Should you need to restore a previous backup, simply replace the current version with the backed-up version. This process will overwrite the existing data with the backed-up data, bringing your library back to its previous state.

Important Considerations
- Limitation on Deleted Sources: If you delete a source entirely and later restore a backup where that source was present, you’ll need to regenerate the thumbnails for the images. This process can take some time. To do this, you can either hold the Option key and click on the source to re-ingest it, or select the black thumbnails, right-click, and choose to synchronize them.
- Backup Reminder: While the new backup feature is powerful, it does not replace the need for a full and proper backup of your entire hard drive. We strongly recommend maintaining comprehensive backups of your entire system for maximum data protection.
Backup Before Major Changes
Another advantage of this backup feature is that it allows you to safeguard your work before making significant changes to your annotations, faces, or album creations. If something goes wrong, you can easily revert to an earlier version. To protect your data, always remember to create a backup before starting any major changes.
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