Avalanche for Lightroom - FAQ

Avalanche for Lightroom - FAQ

Avalanche for Lightroom

Q: Does Avalanche for Lightroom support Adobe Lightroom CC?
Avalanche for Lightroom does let you export to Adobe Lightroom Classic.
It does not support Adobe Lightroom CC.

Q: What are the features of Lightroom Classic that Avalanche supports ?
Avalanche can export the following entities from the source catalog to Lightroom Classic :
  1. masters and virtual copies with all metadata (IPTC, EXIF)
  2. video and video versions
  3. flags, color labels, ratings
  4. keywords with all associated hierarchies
  5. collections and collection sets
  6. faces and face detections
When exporting from Aperture, the following assumptions are made:
  1. Aperture Projects are converted into Collections
  2. Aperture Folders are converted into Collection Sets

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