Best practices when synchronising with CaptureOne

Best practices when synchronising with CaptureOne

Peakto can sometimes have some difficulties to detect changes in a CaptureOne catalog, because CaptureOne Pro does not store information about the change events that happen during the lifetime of a catalog.

One way to greatly improve this, is by using XMP sidecar files in CaptureOne.
A sidecar is simply a text file stored next to an image that holds information about the edits and the metadata of an image. Because this file changes as soon as an edit is made to a C1 managed image, Peakto will reliably detect those changes.

How to activate sidecars in CaptureOne Pro

Activating sidecars is very easy in C1, but is not done by default.
1. Launch CaptureOne Pro
2. Open the Settings dialog and choose the Image tab
3. At the Botton of this screen, click on the "Auto Sync Sidecar XMP" combo box and choose Full Sync.


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