How to send the Peakto database when the support asks for it

How to send the Peakto database when the support asks for it

Peakto saves its catalog structure in a folder that you can define yourself via the Preferences. If you don't do anything special, the default location is : ~/Pictures/       
The Peakto catalog consists in several database files:
  1. Peakto.sqlite
  2. Peakto.sqlite-shm
  3. Peakto.sqlite-wal
  4. PeaktoAesthetics.sqlite
  5. PeaktoAesthetics.sqlite-shm
  6. PeaktoAesthetics.sqlite-wal
  7. PeaktoCache.sqlite
  8. PeaktoCache.sqlite-shm
  9. PeaktoCache.sqlite-wal
  10. PeaktoFaces.sqlite
  11. PeaktoFaces.sqlite-shm
  12. PeaktoFaces.sqlite-wal
  13. PeaktoGeoCode.sqlite
  14. PeaktoMessages.sqlite
  15. PeaktoMessages.sqlite-shm
  16. PeaktoMessages.sqlite-wal
  17. PeaktoSignature.sqlite
  18. PeaktoSignature.sqlite-shm
  19. PeaktoSignature.sqlite-wal
  20. PeaktoUserData.sqlite
  21. PeaktoUserData.sqlite-shm
  22. PeaktoUserData.sqlite-wal
and a folder called Thumbnails where Peakto saves previews and thumbnails.

These files only contain metadata and do not hold any image data. You can share them with us without concerns.

The best is to zip them, and, depending on their size, either send them by email, or using a file transfer service such as Dropbox, or iCloud Drive.

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