Peakto Annotation and Lightroom metadata synchronization

Peakto Annotation and Lightroom metadata synchronization

Peakto Annotations and metadata

Peakto is using EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata standards.
Theses standards defines how we can store metadata inside a JPEG or a rendered file (TIFF, PNG) and also how to store metadata to a sidecar XMP file.

The good news is that Adobe Lightroom is also compatible with theses standards, so we can read metadata from Lightroom but also send annotation made in Peakto to Lightroom.
The bad news, that there are some edge cases and that's why you should read this article if you want to keep Lightroom and Peakto in sync.

Configuring the synchronisation

In Lightroom you can configure Lightroom to write Metadata to files. This a catalog settings. You can open the settings window with the shortcut  .

In Peakto, you can find the option in the user settings dialog, in the "sync" tab.  In this tab you can manage the settings for software compatible with XMP standard.

For Lightroom, you should set the Lightroom to XMP roundTrip to "Automatic" and we recommend to write the metadata in the files for non raw files.


In Peakto 

If your catalog is online, Peakto will write the annotation you made in the XMP and or directly in the files as soon as you enter an annotation. 
There is one exception, for version that are not associated directly with the master, (Virtual Copies), Peakto has no XMP or file to update. So we can't send to Lightroom annotation written for a virtual copy.

If your catalog is offline, no worry, Peakto will store all your annotation and when you plug your external drive with your files back, Peakto will ask you to sync with Lightroom.

In Lightroom

In Lightroom, unlike other Editing software, Lightroom doesn't read automatically the XMP, so you have several way to make Lightroom aware of changes.

You can tell Lightroom to read all XMP and files updates in the folder section, with a CTRL+CLIC and the "Synchronize Folder..." command.

Then choose "scan for metadata update".

You can also do it file per file:
in the grid view, you have a small indicator that show that Lightroom need a sync : 

you can clic on it and choose "Import Settings from disk"

In the metadata Panel, you also have an indication that the metadata are not up to date:

What if I change a metadata in both software ?

Don't worry, Peakto keep the value from Lightroom. When you edit a metadata in Lightroom that is also set in Peakto, Peakto is displaying its own value, and a "blue pencil" to show you that an update is done.

You can click on this blue pencil to show Lightroom value.

Force Synchronisation and multiple image sync

You can force Peakto to write all the XMP files using a CTRL+CLIC on the source catalog or on a selection of images.
You can also reset all your edits in Peakto to the actual catalog's values. 

Why i have to clic on the yellow wheel so often ?

There is a good reason, because Peakto is tracking all the changes in your catalog!
When you ask Lightroom to read the metadata in the files, Lightroom is updating its metadata. You have to clic on the yellow wheel to force Peakto to update with all your Lightroom changes, and then the blue pencil will disappear. 

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