Peakto keyboard shortcuts
This document is listing some useful Peakto Keyboards shortcuts
Global shortcuts
G | Change the main view to the GRID |
E | Change the main view to PANORAMA |
D | Change the main view to DETAIL VIEW |
S | Show hide the sidebar panel (with sources and albums) |
F | Change to Faces View |
P | Change to MAP View |
FN F | switch window in Full screen |
COMMAND , | display Préférences |
COMMAND Q | Quit Peakto |
In the Grid
M | Display the metadata popup |
L | Display the metadata Summary |
V | Switch from VERSION to group by INSTANT |
SPACE | Show the image in the DETAIL View |
COMMAND + | Increase the size of the Thumbnail |
COMMAND - | Decrease the size of the Thumbnail |
COMMAND E | Edit the image (in the associated catalog software or in the default editor) |
COMMAND DEL | Move the selection in the TRASH |
Arrows | Move in the grid |
SHIFT+Arrows | select while moving in the grid |
COMMAND N | Create a new album with selected images |
SHIFT COMMAND N | Create a new folder of albums |
COMMAND Z | Undo last action |
0 to 5 | Change the rating of the selected image |
In Detail View
COMMAND F | Display the image in Full Screen |
SPACE | Return to the GRID |
P | Pick the image |
X | Reject the image |
0...5 | Change the rating of the image |
F | Set the image to Favorite (❤️) |
COMMAND + | Zoom in the image |
COMMAND - | UnZoom the image |
In FullScreen
Left and Right | Change image |
P | Pick the image |
X | Reject the image |
0...5 | Change the rating of the image |
F | Set the image to Favorite (❤️) |
COMMAND + | Zoom in the image |
COMMAND - | UnZoom the image |
ESC | Return in detail view |
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