Peakto's Interface - Getting Started

1.1 Peakto’s interface

The main interface consists in:
  1. An action bar on the far left giving you access to the various view types (grid, detail, map, panorama, faces)
  2. A side bar listing all volumes and sources attached to Peakto. This is also where you will find all albums (simple and smart) that you create as well as the various workspaces that enhance the interaction between Peakto and third party apps. The sidebar can be made visible or hidden off using the toggle button in the toolbar.
  3. A filter panel with standard filters on dates, keywords, faces, ... This panel is opened and closed using the toggle button in the toolbar.
  4. A timeline widget showing the distribution of capture dates for the images in scope.
  5. A property panel with all the details about the selection. It can be made visible or invisible using a dedicated toggle button
  6. The main views (grid, detail, map, panorama, faces) based on the selection in the action bar

1.1.1 The menu bar mode

New in Peakto 2.0. Peakto can now run int he background without a window and perform all synchronisation at a regular frequency without interrupting your work. Peakto achieves this by exposing a menu bar companion easily identifiable in the macOS menu bar.

The menu bar app lets you change the Synchronisation frequency and control the Performance mode for regular ingestion. This new setting lets you manage how many computation resources (CPU cores) can be used to ingest new content or perform synchronisation. The Standard mode will give good overall performances while keeping the Mac responsive to perform other tasks. The Slow mode will run more slowly and keep most of the computer ressources available for other tasks. In Turbo mode, Peakto will use almost all available ressources so you should only use that mode if you don’t intend to do other computer intensive tasks at the same time.

To enter in background mode, simply close the main window. To open the main window, simply click on Peakto in the dock or choose ‘Open Peakto’ from the menu bar.

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