Search through all your photos with Peakto’s Filters

2.5 Search through all your photos and videos

Using artificial intelligence, Peakto revolutionizes how you manage and interact with your digital photos and videos. Offering a centralized search that allows you to easily and quickly browse through all of your photos and videos, regardless of where they are stored. Peakto's AI can analyze each image and movie, understand its content, and classify it accordingly. Whether you have a photo of a sunset, a birthday, or a day at the beach, Peakto can identify and appropriately categorize it.

To push the boundaries even further, Peakto has introduced 3 major functionalities that elevate the photo and video search experience to a whole new level.

Conversational photo search is a groundbreaking feature in the latest version of Peakto, transforming the way you interact with your photo collection. This innovative functionality empowers users to effortlessly find images by typing natural language commands or phrases in any language.

Click on the Dialogue icon in front of the Search bar to initiate a conversational photo and videos search. Begin by typing a keyword or a descriptive phrase that represents the image you wish to find. For example, you can type "sunset" if you're looking for sunset-themed photos.

Videos in Peakto 2.0 are fully integrated with the search functionality. When you perform a search, such as "sunset and boat," Peakto will return both images and videos that match your query. For videos, a special feature highlights the most relevant parts of the video to your search.

Conversational Search & Videos

  1. Search Results: When you enter a search term, Peakto scans both images and videos for matches.
  2. Video Highlights: In the case of videos, a blue bar is displayed to indicate the portion of the video most relevant to your search term.
    1. Example: If you search for "boat sailing on the Golden Gate Bridge," Peakto will find relevant items, including videos. For these videos, the blue bar shows the parts where the Golden Gate Bridge is visible, distinguishing them from other parts of the video where only boats are sailing.
    2. Multiple Highlights: Sometimes, multiple blue bars are displayed to highlight several relevant parts of the video. For example, the beginning of the video might show the Golden Gate Bridge, while later parts feature boats.

Peakto's Intelligent Analysis

Peakto leverages advanced language processing capabilities to interpret and analyze your typed text. It comprehends your search query and evaluates your content to identify relevant images that match your request. The system accurately understands your intent and initiates the search process accordingly. It also detects the language used.

Search works best when multiple words are used to describe the intent. Adding additional details or specifications will help narrow down the results further. This enables you to pinpoint the exact images that best suit your requirements. You can adjust the number of results obtained by choosing a broader or narrower tolerance.

You can write in any language if you're connected to the Internet. If you're offline, you can only search in English.

Once the search results are generated, you can easily navigate through them to locate the specific image you are seeking. With a user-friendly interface, Peakto presents the results in an organized manner, allowing you to browse through the collection seamlessly. The search text you used is logically added as a criteria in the search field.

Adding Faces and Locations

Click on the Person and Location icons to search photos with a specific person or location already tagged in your catalogs. For example: "@Lisa eating ice cream in #Barcelona".

Reminder: how does it work ?

Search by turning a query text into specific number called a signature and comparing it against all pre-computed signatures of your images. When they are close, then the image is considered to be a candidate for the result of the query. The notion of "close » is ambiguous as it depends on the query text, the language, and the image content. It is easy to sort the returned images by distance to this query and show the closest first...but it is hard to find when to stop displaying images. This explains why sometimes you won’t find you won’t find immediately what you are after.

The Tolerance

The search panel has a drop down that lets you adjust the level of tolerance between close / standard / tolerant. This simply changes the value of the above mentioned threshold and will display more or less images. 

Some tips

  1. Use many words: the more precise the query, the more precise the result
  2. Don't hesitate to set a lower threshold by using the 'Tolerant' setting even if it means that you'll get more images returned
  3. Watch for the number of images in the index...if this number is very different from the number of images in your database, it could be that the index is not fully loaded. Consider relaunching Peakto to see if that number changes.
  4. Check the detected language: Peakto understands many languages but will convert the query in English to use its AI model. Make sure that the language shown in the popup is really the language you use to type.
  5. In any case, send us feedback if you encounter issues.

Peakto offers a powerful Similarity-based Image Search feature that allows users to find images and videos with similar content based on a specific image selected as the base. Similarity is considered at many levels in the image: main subject, colors, background, light conditions, etc... Peakto will return the identical or nearly identical images first, and the similar images next.

Select a Base Image

To begin, choose a specific image from your collection that will serve as the base for the similarity search. This image will act as the reference point for finding other images and videos with similar attributes. You can only select one image.

Once you have the base image selected, press "Control+Click" to access the dialog window, which provides the option "Find Similar Images...". Select this option, and a dedicated search window will appear, displaying the Similar Images found by Peakto.You can also conveniently access the similar images from the new filter panel dedicated to similar features.

Analysis and Matching

Peakto's advanced algorithms analyze the content of your chosen base image to identify its key characteristics. These characteristics may include color schemes, specific objects or people present, overall composition, or the mood of the photo.

Search Results

Peakto intelligently scans through your image collection, seeking those images that share similar traits with your base image. The platform matches the identified characteristics and displays all relevant images. The search results are presented in order of similarity, with the most closely matching images appearing at the top of the list. To control the number of results obtained, you can adjust the tolerance level, selecting a broader or narrower range of similarities.

2.5.3. Search by similar features

The “Search by similar” feature in Peakto allows you to efficiently identify and group images ad videos with similar characteristics from your collection. These features can range from technical aspects like ISO setting or lens type to content-related attributes such as landscape, portrait, or macro photography.

Choosing a Base Image

To begin, you need to select a base image from your collection. This image will serve as the reference point for finding other images with similar characteristics.
Note: if you select more than 1 image, Peakto will only list the characteristics that are common to those images.

Utilizing the New Filter Panel

Peakto features a filter panel accessible from the top bar, designed specifically for the Search by similarity functionality. Click on the icon to display the panel. You will find a comprehensive list of various characteristics associated with your selected image. These characteristics encompass both technical details, such as ISO setting and lens type, use annotations (ratings, keywords....) and content-based classifications (from Panorama for example).

Exploring Similar Images

Click on any listed characteristic that you are interested in using for comparison. You can select one or more features that you wish other images to share in common with your base image.

Create Filters with your mouse

When you click on a characteristic, it automatically gets added to the search field, eliminating the need for manual typing or adjustments. The software handles this process for you, streamlining the search experience.

See the results instantly

As filters get added, Peakto will promptly fetch all images that match the selected characteristics, presenting you with a refined collection of relevant images.

2.5.4. Centralized search thanks to filters

To search through all your photos and videos, use the any of the views, select all your sources in the left sidebar, then use the search bar in the top-middle and type your queries. You can restrict your search to specific folders/catalogs/albums by selecting them in the sidebar. You can search using the metadata associated with your photos by you, by your devices (camera, smartphones), by the software you used to edit your image or automatically attributed by Peakto.

Search by metadata:
  1. Camera model
  2. Camera Lens
  3. Software
  4. EXIF
  5. IPTC
That information appears in the inspector. You can display some of that information directly in the Grid view using the Grid View Options, in the View menu. You can also search based on your annotations:
  1. Flags
  2. Color Tags
  3. Ratings
  4. Favorites
That information appears once a photo is selected:
  1. in the inspector
  2. in the Detail view, at the bottom of each image
  3. in the Grid view, by clicking on the Edit icon
You can also search based on keywords from the underlying catalogs, or on keywords generated by the AI. Thanks to image recognition, Peakto also annotates your photos automatically with keywords, based on their content and style. You can use the keywords assigned by the AI to find images, for example all your bird pictures by typing "Bird” in the search field.

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