Cloud based storage

Use Peakto with Cloud based storage (DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, kDrive ...)

If you are using a cloud storage service, you probably copy or move your Photos and Videos to folders synchronized in the cloud.

It exists many cloud storage, and for now, Peakto have no dedicated feature to let you enter your cloud account and forgot about this.

Anyway you can choose to import cloud based folder in your Peakto and you'll be able to use amazing Peakto searching capabilities.

How to process Images and videos that are stored in a cloud sync Based folder ?

1. Sync your folder in your computer

At first, be sure that the folder is synced on your device. Peakto need to open the files to read their metadata and contents.
In Drop Box, use the finder command to make the folder available offline : 
With Microsoft Onedrive, you have to use this command:
With Google drive, it's the same but you must use a standard folder, Google remove the ability to read your images from Google Photos.

2. Drop your folder onto Peakto

Once everything is online, you'll have to drop your folder on Peakto.

What if I want to remove the original files from my computer ?

If you want to remove your files from your computer, it's possible. But you have to change Peakto's default settings.
To do this, open Peakto's Settings:
In the Sync Tab, uncheck "Real time synchronisation":
Here you can find the recommended settings: 
When you change this settings, you should restart Peakto.

And now you can choose to remove your files from your computer:
You may have this warning:
It means that if you let the real time sync option turned on in Peakto, the content of the images will not be available and you won't be able to search.

Why do I have some weird icons for my images ?

With DropBox, and probably with other sync service, if you synchronize a folder with offline files, you can loose your thumbnails and remove the camera's information from Peakto.
To fix it, you have to download your images from DropBox:

And then You can use the DeepSync command on a source, and your images will be there again.

Or if you want to sync only some files, you can select them and choose the "sync files" command:

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