Peakto search is a menu Bar application.
So you should find it's icon in you menu bar on the right side, near the clock.
Unfortunately, on mac OS, you can have a huge list of icon in your menu bar, and regarding your screen size, the presence of a notch and the software that is open, it's possible that you can't clic on Peakto Search's icon!
Where is Peakto Search ?
Here is a screenshot of a pretty full Menu bar:
When I open Adobe Lightroom on my laptop monitor, I can't find Peakto search Icon.
When I open the Finder, I can see more icons, but no more Peakto Search!
What can I do ?
At first, you can choose to hide some of your icons in the system settings. To do that
- open system settings
- choose control center
- and choose to hide many icons from your menu bar
You can also also quit some application, that use space in your menu bar. In my case I quit OneDrive and another app and now my Peakto Search icon appears!
When you see it, you can re-arrange your menu bar to move Peakto search to the right. To rearrange icons, you have to press your "Command" key and drag and drop icons in the menu bar:
In my case now, Peakto Search is on the right and I can see it when I use Adobe Lightroom:
If you have a lot of Icons, you can find some applications that helps to organize your menu bar. On the MacOs Apple store, there is "Hidden Bar" or "Ibar menu Bar". On setApp, you can find "Bartender" that is exactly the tool you want to do that.
Hope you will be able to use Peakto Search !