Peakto 2.2.1 J-K-L
I don't know if this is new to version 2.2 but I just discovered that the J, K, L, keys in Peakto video play mode works the same way as they do in most video editing software. Outstanding CYME! Now please tell me that in a future version I will also be
Avalanche Usage gather images assets
I recently purchased Avalanche, I retired recently and want to merge years of photos, scans and images. I have used several apps throughout the years, Aperture, Lightroom, Photoshop etc. But also have images which have never been cataloged. Can Avalanche
Merci !
Bonjour, Un point de mon utilisation. J'utilise plusieurs logiciels (Photos pour celle de l'iPhone, Photo Mechanic Plus pour le tri, Lightroom Classic pour le cataloguage, Capture One pour le développement avec les sessions, Dxo parfois et Photoshop)
Trouble Maker who Loves Aperture
So my dream is for someone to convince Apple to either open source Apeture or sell the source code to some enterprising developer. If noth that build me a drop in replacement. Adobe Never, Aperture forever!