Announcing Avalanche for Lightroom 1.0 !

Announcing Avalanche for Lightroom 1.0 !

The CYME team is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of Avalanche 1.0, the new photo migration software for macOS with Machine Learning capabilities.

Avalanche is designed to convert catalogs of photographs from one application to another while keeping the organisational structures intact, ensuring all metadata flows without losses and image adjustments are replicated with the best possible results.

Avalanche is available to download from the CYME website.


  • A browser interface to easily find all catalogs on all connected volumes.
  • A user friendly conversion screen with detailed information about the content to be converted and detailed progress monitoring.
  • A detailed reporting screen and a conversion log in the form of a CSV file to easily find out what errors were encountered (missing files, corrupted database situations, …)
  • Aperture Masters and Versions copies are fully converted into masters and virtual copies in Lightroom.
  • Videos and video versions are fully converted into master videos and virtual copies in Lightroom.
  • Albums: simple albums are recreated in the target catalog. Smart albums are not converted. 
  • Face definitions and face detections are fully converted.
  • All customs annotations, flags, ratings, color labels are converted.
  • Keywords are converted with full support for hierarchies.
  • All IPTC and EXIF metadata are supported. Avalanche even harvests EXIF data from the master files to enrich the target catalog.
  • Projects, Folders, Stacks are recreated in Lightroom. 
  • AI powered adjustments: WB temperature and tint, exposure, contrast, vibrancy, saturation, black & white levels, highlights and shadows are converted using Machine Learning (ML).
  • Curves are converted.
  • Images converted to black and white are properly migrated and ML is used to infer the proper color mix from color space to Black and White.
  • Conversion options letting you decide how to handle referenced files, videos, etc…
  • The choice of folder hierarchy for the copied master files.

The CYME Team