Ongoing issue with Avalanche (Apple Photos <> Lightroom (Windows))
Excited to have a tool like Avalanche to facilitate the giant job of gathering, organizing and tuning up all my family photos. Challenge has been having multiple libraries over the years including Aperture, Photos (several of these), google cloud, random directories, etc. I like Apple Photos in general but my PC is far more powerful (64GB ram, etc) than the macbook, so want to use lightroom to organize and cull, then get the catalogue back into Photos for sharing with family.
I've hit two issues
01. Not all faces are coming over into Lightroom. I see that this has been experienced by others and I see there's a SQLlite workaround. I thought there was also a fix, but maybe that's still being developed.
02. Much more importantly, I'm having significant issues getting data BACK into Photos. Specifically, I have the lightroom catalogue on a USB drive which opens just fine on the PC. When I take it over to the mac to convert back to Apple Photos, the masters aren't located and the conversion fails. Program indicates to open the catalogue in LR. I did! I can't open in LR on mac because I don't have LR on mac. :(
Any hints on a way forward? I'm hoping to not have to export all files in LR to a flat folder and then re-import as I fear I'll lose the organization/events.