Peakto v1.5.1 is out....please read

Peakto v1.5.1 is out....please read


We just released v1.5.1 with important fixes.

We discovered a rather complex and unexpected issue with the app autoupdate mechanism that is currently broken due to the sandboxing (security model) of macOS.
As a result, Peakto will offer you to download the update manually from the following link
We are sorry for the inconvenience that will get addressed asap. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy the changes in v1.5.1

The Cyme Team
  • [NEW in 1.5.1] : Finder Color tags are now read and written back.
  • [FIXED in 1.5.1] : We fixed the color rendering of the color tags to make them more different.
  • [FIXED in 1.5.1] : We fixed inconsistent keyboard shortcuts.
  • [FIXED in 1.5.1] : We fixed a possible crash when parsing very old CaptureOne catalogs. These situations are now caught using preflight checks.
  • [FIXED in 1.5.1] : We fixed some sort options that could lead to no images being displayed.
  • [FIXED in 1.5.1] : We fixed undoing text entries in annotations.
  • [FIXED in 1.5.1] : We now correctly write annotations into the JPEGs files.