Sending log files on macOS

How to send a log file when our supports requests it?

From our Support team:
Sometimes, we need to understand what went wrong in a conversion process (Avalanche) or an ingestion process (Peakto), and we will ask you to send us a log file.
This file contains information printed out by Avalanche/peakto and can help us understand an anomaly.

Finding a log file for Peakto

Peakto, since version 1.8, has a developer menu that can be activated in the Preferences 
Once it is activated, you can go to the Peakto menu, and choose Developer > Locate Peakto Log Files...

This will open a Finder window in the Logs folder. All Peakto Logs are located inside the CYME folder in that folder. Find the one with the correct timestamp, zip it and send it to us.

Finding a log file for Avalanche

Finding a log file
To find a log file, simply launch the 'Console' app. If you are not familiar with this app, use Spotlight search to locate it.

Type "Console", the app will appear, ready to be launched.

The interface of the Console app has changed in BigSur. Please choose the correct option below based on your operating system version.

OPTION 1: if you are on macOS Catalina or before

On the left pane, select ~/Library/Logs.

Then select "CYME"

You will see a list of log files names Avalanche-xxx.log or Peakto-xxx.log

Select the last one (if you just ran into a problem) or look at the content of those files and send the one with the most interesting data.
To send us the file, use the Share icon

OPTION 2: if you are on macOS BigSur or after

On the left pane, select Log Reports

Type in the name of the app in the Search Field (for example Avalanche or Peakto)

The filtered list of reports should appear by date. Select the relevant report and share it with us.

To send us the file, use the Share icon

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