Peakto Search: Quick Overview

Peakto Search: Quick Overview

Peakto is a plugin for 
  1. Lightroom Classic (Getting Started)
  2. Capture One Pro (Getting Started)
available on macOS.

This plugin lets you experience the convenience of a real-time search interface that puts all your valuable assets just a click away. The entirety of Lightroom's content, whether housed within open or disconnected catalogs, is now effortlessly accessible through a single search. 

How does it work?

Peakto Search is a plugin for Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro that allows easy searching for photos or videos by describing them or using an image as a reference. It enables searching across multiple Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro catalogs simultaneously and utilizes image recognition to display results.
Once installed, Peakto Search is accessible from the menu bar on your Mac. It can find images or videos in the catalogs you have indexed. Once your catalogs are indexed in Peakto Search, you can search for an image or video even when Lightroom is inactive and without an internet connection. Search results appear instantly in the Peakto Search interface. You can open the image or video in Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro by simply clicking on the result. You can also create a Selection in Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro based on your search results.


Thanks to its intelligent features, Peakto Search is an indispensable tool for not letting precious photo or video gems sleep in the depths of catalogs anymore, and for not losing memories:
  1. Centralized search across all Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro catalogs, even offline. Once indexed in Peakto Search, users can search all their catalogs, ensuring access to every photo and video. Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro catalogs can be added in bulk by allowing Peakto Search to scan folders recursively.
  2. Real-time results: image and video previews appear in real-time within the plugin, including those from offline catalogs. No need to create a selection in Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro, the search result appears immediately in the plugin.
  3. A Search that is “Always On”: Searching through Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro content can be done directly from the Finder, even when Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro is not running. It's possible to define a global keyboard shortcut to initiate the search at any time.
  4. Prompt-based search: a simple description is enough to find an image or a passage from a video. No need for annotation, Peakto Search's AI automatically analyzes the content of all photos and videos. The prompt-based search can be matched with filters to narrow down the results.
  5. Search by similar image: simply drag and drop an image into the plugin interface to find images or videos that resemble it. Results are displayed immediately.
  6. Seamless integration with Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro: Peakto Search allows opening search results in Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro and creating Collections from one or more retrieved images or videos.
  7. Privacy protection: photos and videos are analyzed locally by the AI and therefore not duplicated in a cloud.
  8. Beautiful UI inspired by macOS: Peakto Search is not restricted to the kind of user interface imposed by Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro for its plugins. Instead it uses the best of macOS animation and UI technology to bring you an unprecedented user experience right from Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro.
Peakto Search empowers Lightroom Classic/ Capture One Pro users with centralized and intelligent search capabilities across all their catalogs, providing instant access to any content. This saves valuable time, particularly when managing the vast number of files we accumulate.


Peakto Search is only compatible with Lightroom Classic and cannot index Lightroom Cloud catalogs.
Optimized for macOS Ventura, Peakto Search requires macOS 12 (Monterey) or later. It is compatible with Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3 chips. Peakto Search works with Lightroom Classic starting from version 5.

Peakto Search is compatible with Capture One Pro from version 20.

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